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Religious Hats and Head Coverings

Different types of hats and head coverings are used in various religions all around the world. Within each religion there can be an even further variation of hats worn by spiritual leaders and members of each religion. Usually hats are

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Advancements in Athletic Shoes

Humans have been wearing shoes for thousands of years with the main purpose of protecting one’s feet from the ground and the weather. The first known shoes were a pair of sandals excavated from the Fort Rock Cave in Oregon,

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Eco Friendly Dry Cleaning Options

Dry cleaning is a cleaning process used to clean delicate fabrics that may get damaged in an ordinary washer and dryer due to the rough nature of those washing methods. The dry cleaning method typically uses a solvent called perchloroethylene,

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Home Made Shoe Maintenance Tips

There are several reasons that your feet and shoes may begin to smell. Some of these reasons include bacterial infections, fungal infections, overuse of a pair of shoes or lack of aeration. It is estimated that approximately 12% of all

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A Brief History of Purses

The original meaning of the word “purse” was a small bag for holding your money. In Britain, this definition of purse still stands and the term for a larger bag that holds more items is referred to as a handbag.

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8 Tips for Regular Leather Maintenance

Leather is a popular choice for clothing, accessories and furniture. Leather is beautiful and regal, and with proper care, it can age gracefully. Some people are hesitant to add leather furnishings to their home because they believe it will be

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A Guide to Leather Scratch Repair

Do you love your leather furniture as much as we do at Love Your Leather? If so, leather scratch repair is worth learning more about. After all, there is nothing worse than a scratch in your leather furniture, and it

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Where Does Leather Come From?

While there is an assortment of exotic animal hides that can be used for leather, more than 99% of all leathers in the world come from four different animals: 65% cows 15% sheep 11% pigs 9% goats In fact, less

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